Take the Online Hunter Education Course

Successfully complete the online hunter course to obtain your Completion Voucher (your admission to the in-class session). There is no cost for the online course or the in-class session.

Schedule your
In-Class Session

For more information on upcoming In-Class sessions, including dates and times, go to www.env.gov.yk.ca/heed. Once you’ve completed the online course and obtained your Completion Voucher, once you’ve completed the online course and obtained your Completion Voucher, you can register by contacting Conservation Officer Services. In order to obtain your Yukon Hunter Education Card, you must pass the online course and the written exam at the In-Class session.

Get your Yukon Hunter Education Card

After successfully completing both the online course and the In-Class Session, you will then receive your Hunter Education Card to prove that you meet the Hunter Education requirement for getting a Yukon hunting licence.